Kerala Genome Data Centre (KGDC) Announces Grants for Genomic Sequencing Projects.

The Kerala Genome Data Centre (KGDC), an initiative of the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC), is pleased to announce the launch of grants for genomic sequencing and data generation projects. KGDC is dedicated to harnessing the power of genomic data and leveraging Kerala’s rich biodiversity to transform the state into a knowledge economy.

As the first of its kind in India, KGDC aims to become a Centre of Excellence in Genomics and Bioinformatics. The center will serve as a hub for researchers, healthcare professionals, and public health officials to access and share genomic data, facilitating advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and pandemic preparedness.

Grant Opportunities

KGDC invites scientists and researchers from all life sciences institutes across Kerala to apply for grants in the following areas:

  • Plant Genomics
  • Animal Genomics
  • Microbial Genomics including Microbiomes
  • Marine Genomics (Fisheries)
  • Focused Projects on Sickle Cell Anemia, Dengue, pandemic preparedness and other projects in chronic conditions which causes huge morbidity and mortality and not limited to Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Cardiac diseases. (Approvals will be required from Health Department in some clinical conditions.)

Grants will be approved by the Scientific Advisory Board and will range from INR 10 lakhs to INR 2 crores, depending on the project’s scope and potential impact.

Objectives of the Grants:

  • Agricultural Advancement: Promote research to develop better agricultural crops with higher yields, pest resistance, and suitability to local climatic conditions.
  • Animal Husbandry and Fisheries: Assist in breeding superior varieties and developing diagnostics and vaccines for animals and fish.
  • Pandemic Preparedness: Establish practices to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms affecting human, animal, or plant health.
  • Sickle Cell anemia: Projects for predicting, treating and eradicating sicke cell anemia in line with the Govt of India objectives
  • Capacity Building: Develop local manpower through training programs and foster collaboration between research organizations.

Application Process

Interested candidates are requested to submit their project proposals to KGDC online through the website. Proposals will be evaluated based on scientific significance, feasibility of the project,benefits to Kerala, commercialization potential, innovation and alignment with KGDC’s objectives. For detailed evaluation criteria, please refer to the KGDC portal.

The grant provided by KGDC is exclusively for sequencing costs. KGDC collaborates with empanelled labs to carry out sequencing, as KGDC does not own or operate any laboratories. The grant does not cover other costs, which must be borne by the researcher or the sponsoring institute.

Domicile requirement

Organizations/Researchers applying for the KGDC grants need to be based in Kerala. However, if an organization is applying from outside Kerala, they must have a partnership or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a life science organization based in Kerala.

Researchers from private companies having a DSIR certified lab are also eligible to apply.

Submission Deadline:

For detailed guidelines and application forms, please contact us.

The Genomics Revolution

Transforming our understanding of genetic traits and diseases.
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High-Performance Data Centre

A hub for genomic data sharing and collaboration.
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One Health Approach

Recognizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health.
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Value to Kerala

Attracting leading companies and start-ups, improving healthcare outcomes, and supporting sustainable development.
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Join us in Transforming Kerala into a Knowledge Economy

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